How Theo Kids is better than a preschool franchise option.
Theo Kids offers effective solutions to start your own preschool. An enterprise in the field of education is about constant changes which usually attracts a lot of investment when dependent on other modules like a franchise. This amounts to huge expenses, which escalates as a royalty each year.
Preschools are not run with the sole purpose adhering to commercial rules but relate to a holistic approach where each individual puts in their soul towards aiming at growth and development in each student. A Theo Kids module provides you with the requisite tools, consultation and business feasibility maps, which helps you to avoid hefty royalties and reach profits soon.
Theo Kids package offers you:
- · Phase wise Marketing and Promotional plans
- · School management
- · Comprehensive curriculum
- · Teachers training program
- · Teaching aids
- · Décor consultation
- · School supplies
Theo Kids does not charge any royalty, as we are not a franchising company. Your own preschool brand empowers you in a better way in the following perspective:
Theo Kids presents A comparative analysis vis-à-vis:
A self-run preschool / Franchised models / Theo Kids Early Childhood Solutions
Brand name
A self run preschool
Franchised Model
Theo Kids Early Childhood Solutions
Value as a Brand name
The brand name and registration from the customers point of view is low
Heavy dependence on the franchisor
We help you build a brand and that adds value. Moreover, this allows you independence while diversifying.
Limited scope
Has several constraints.
We conduct regular brand building exercises which goes hand in hand with the image of your preschool
Why brand is important?
Growth here has limited scope as there is no branding
Growth is dependent on the franchisor – primary model
We bring in the services of market experts to constantly monitor and improve your brand thus ensuring growth.
A self run preschool
Franchised Model
Theo Kids Early Childhood Solutions
Maintains traditional method of education to children in a preschool
The focus is not student centric and includes play or fun activities but fails to drive at a concept.
At Theo Kids a well worked and researched model is used to help students imbibe lessons or concepts at their pace. A fluid experience along with structured learning ensures development
A self run preschool
Franchised Model
Theo Kids Early Childhood Solutions
Area specific
We offer you a complete marketing guide with in depth information about all your activities ensuring a good geographical coverage.
Lack of knowledge in promotion plans restricts reaching new prospective students
Standard pattern of marketing
We have an effective marketing plan to reach out to new parents and use innovative plans to retain enrollments. This is essential to have a competitive edge.
Help and Support
Self-run preschools are self-dependent without any support for all types of marketing.
Traditional forms of marketing styles
We offer continued marketing help in all areas, which brings you new business and maintains your profile. Our solutions also enhance your preschool’s brand value and image.
A self run preschool
Franchised Model
Theo Kids Early Childhood Solutions
Primary domain knowledge
Standard concepts
Our curriculum is comprehensive allowing immense scope to integrate other concepts and innovation.
Curriculum content
Initialized on theoretical and practical parameters.
Includes research-based concepts pertaining to global standards.
Contributed by
Self or Owner
We have a skilled team and creative personnel, content writers and trainers with varied experience in preschool teaching.
Curriculum is not branded
No branding
Branding the syllabus is an integral part of the branding concept so that professionalism and focus is well defined.
Staff and Facilitators
A self run preschool
Franchised Model
Theo Kids Early Childhood Solutions
The teaching staff is general or ad hoc recruits as per vacancy and strength of students
Recruited teachers are with formal degrees or diplomas.
We train teachers and update them about mapping the needs of each child. Focus is on motivation and Individual education program (IEP). Other areas of training are also looked into that includes presentation skills.
Method of Teaching
Group teaching is practiced
Teacher is the prime focus and initiator.
Includes teacher – student group dynamics and caters to individual contribution as a student.
Recruitment process
Ad hoc
Specific and firm
Allows teachers to be included any time and as per the aspects of the lesson plan
Training and Lesson plans
A self run preschool
Franchised Model
Theo Kids Early Childhood Solutions
Lesson plans
Restricted lesson plans and ad hoc inclusions. June to April session not suitable for students enrolling mid term
Term pattern and rigid adherence. June to April session not suitable for students enrolling mid term
We allow innovation through a well-structured program that is disseminated through teacher training programs. Calendar year or academic plans are not involved. Students are benefitted due to an enriched syllabus and student-centric lesson plans.
Training programs
Basic training and skills acquired on the job
Need based training in a formal plane. Formats and basic software are provided for each term.
We offer specific training programs and we have expert trainers in diction and soft skills. Classroom discipline as well as technology enabled teaching is encouraged
Tools and teaching aids
Limited and purchased readily
Outsourced through networks
We are resourceful in modern school supplies as well as teaching aids as we are reputed manufacturers.
Student centric
A self run preschool
Franchised Model
Theo Kids Early Childhood Solutions
Self written lessons by owner or teacher
Follows the pattern laid by the franchisor
Theo Kids has modern, creative and intelligent lessons that is well integrated with the developmental needs of each child
Student teacher ratio
Not justified
Not strictly adhered. Recruitment is frozen as per expense control.
The teachers are easily recruited and trained any time of the year as and when students enroll as there is no calendar year.
Assessment module
Very traditional and lacks focus
Standard pattern as per performance of the child.
We focus on an assessment model that is not conventional and pertains to classroom inputs by a child. Our training modules include extensive chapters on assessment systems.
Safety standards
A self run preschool
Franchised Model
Theo Kids Early Childhood Solutions
Needs of a child |
Basic and lacks any kind of training to equip teachers
Delegated personnel extends support to students |
We understand separation anxiety and have soft skills programs for teachers to adapt themselves
Physical needs of a child
We have conceptualized modules which educates students to respect and protect their body
Décor of preschool
No checks
Random initiatives to supervise materials and decor
We supply materials, tools, and flooring concepts. Hence, we conduct a primary check and constantly supervise the decor.
Teaching aids
A self run preschool
Franchised Model
Theo Kids Early Childhood Solutions
General toys are purchased for entertainment purpose
Tools and toys pertain to learning. Play way method related toys are specifically available.
We have the best and innovative global concepts and toys are sourced to suit the lesson plans and motor skills.
Other aids
Low quality
No inspection or updation.
We add new methods of teaching aids and flash cards regularly.
We as manufacturers of school supplies maintain very high quality standards and label them as non-toxic.
Investment and Profits
A self run preschool
Franchised Model
Theo Kids Early Childhood Solutions
Lump sum payments upto 3 lacs or more is needed in the franchised model along with yearly incremental expenses to retain royalty.
We offer solutions and DO NOT charge any royalty whereby your costs are not incremental. In fact, our solutions are effective to increase your income.
Investment returns
Low as it is self-run and purely runs on repute and area’s competitive tendencies.
Low as about 30 % revenue is taken by the franchisor
ROI is high due to low costs as we do not charge royalty
Break even and profits
Takes time to reach breakeven as costs are subject to trends and student enrollments.
Ad hoc expenses and promotions can also cause increase in expenses and hence the profits take time
We offer a feasibility study and suggest you the probable time you can break even. We have financial experts who are adept at the break-even analysis and study the current market trends to project a business plan. Profits are certainly achieved sooner as compared to any model.
A successful business enterprise is about building a brand. With education taking center stage in today’s economy, preschool business offers several modules to expand and progress. The success of a business is about innovation, creativity, appropriate structure in terms of products offered and knowledge about the subject. The art and craft of running a preschool is based on building your own brand.
Another secret of best run business modules involves cutting cost. Avoiding royalty, you can scale your profits higher and also faster. Investing in a franchise curtails your expansion process but having your own brand would mean better options to build your business and also diversify.
Also, no extra costs with annual updates related to marketing, promotion or franchise related rebranding. Hence, there are no hassles of following the brand and increasing royalty expenses. Having your own independent brand as a preschool is certainly the steady way to grow and enhance your business.
A venture in education for preschoolers is an exciting field. With so many attempts made in education to enrich the thought process of little minds, it is certainly viable to start up your own preschool. Of late, there are several offers for franchisee deals for people who want to foray into this field. Though there are a few benefits with franchised options, it is always advisable to have your own preschool and create Your own Brand !. Customized lesson plans and syllabus is now available in ready formats from Theo Kids who believe in tailoring the syllabus as per your need and requirement.
Working towards a franchise option may involve profit sharing as well as expenses related to rent may accrue. There could be unexpected delays when it comes to seeking information and getting satisfactory queries related to certain situations. But having a preschool of your own works out to be flexible as the reputation can be built within a short time due to macro management. In a franchisee option, it is required to micro manage daily affairs pertaining to staff, curriculum and general effectiveness. This can create a rigid format, which may be cumbersome. But in case of a preschool which is self-initiated, the options to explore and adapt are several.
A preschool primarily needs a good framework and a plan that is outlined to meet the growing needs of education. As this is the primary level of education for children, parents too are concerned with several questions related to the effectiveness of a syllabus that is easy for children to imbibe. The syllabus from Theo Kids includes daily lesson plans, charts, extensive training modules as well as calendar profiles which is a complete package.
Most entrepreneurs believe that a franchisee option creates a brand name and hence prospective enrollees patronize it. Though it is impressive and seems easy, the process of reporting as well surprise scrutiny can be a bit difficult. It is indeed a better option to maintain freedom by choosing quality staff, premise and purchase a comprehensive preschool curriculum and start your own preschool.
Contact us to know the pros and cons and clear any doubts you may have for starting your own school.