Children and young people benefit in intangible ways when it comes to Drum Circles. From developing motor skills in toddlers and better hand-eye co-ordination in young children to improving memory, concentration & alertness in children and teenagers alike to improving confidence & self-esteem in young adults, the list of benefits of Drum Circles in children and young people is quite long.

Drumming releases stress, breaks down barriers, improves communication and encourages creativity. Participants discover their own musical potential and gain confidence. Group drumming gives young people an enjoyable lesson in teamwork. They learn about rhythm and discover the advantages of listening. Most of all, drumming is fun and children enjoy the experience enormously.

Studies have shown that drumming

* Harmonises the left and right rain activities
* Develops motor skills
* Improves hand-eye co-ordination
* Develops creativity
* Develops listening skills
* Engages and holds children’s interest
* Improves memory, concentration and alertness
* Improves confidence and self-esteem
* Helps children understand teamwork and co-operation
* Releases stress
* Elevates mood
* Results in better mental and emotional health
* Is an interesting form of self-expression
* Explores musical ability
* Is enriching as well as fun

How are Drum Circles beneficial to teachers?

Building social skills is an important part of schools’ unwritten curriculum. Children often learn through modelling skills & behaviours, from sharing classroom and art supplies to accepting the differences in others. Drumming provides a hands on demonstration of how to work as group , interact on an equal level and communicate better. Further, these social skills help students build self confidence as well as a feeling of belonging among peers, further honing in to better leadership skills.

Looking at the above listed benefits of drumming and Drum Circles in children’s development from the time they are toddlers to the time when they are teenagers, it is no secret that schools and colleges may be the easiest system and environment to expose children and youths to the benefits of drumming in the context of a Drum Circle. Children approach drums with more ease and curiosity and less fear, than they would other instruments.

Teachers with Drum Circle Facilitation Techniques as part of their tool kit can impact the lives of a multitude of students by building a better rapport and bond with their students through a non-verbal, inclusive channel of communication such as drumming. Drumming with students in the context of a Drum Circle gives teachers an amazing insight into personality types of the students they are teaching and effective ways to get through to them. Teachers using Drum Circle Facilitation Techniques in the classroom promote better concentration, better mental & emotional health, listening skills, self expression, creativity, fun, confidence & self-esteem and good leadership skills. This can positively impact classroom dynamics, peer differences, bullying tendencies, parent-student-teacher relationships, stress levels, mental health & well-being and so much more.

For teachers themselves, the stress of commuting, delivering lessons, sticking to the terms schedules, correcting exams, engaging with peers and parents can be quite stressful, leaving little or no time for personal life and family. Drum circles are a great way to keep stress levels in check, while fulfilling all responsibilities pertaining to the job as well as life itself, keeping a good level of mental wellbeing and wellness.