Dear  preschools & kindergartens !!!!!

Do you wanna provide an alternative method of schooling to your students ???

Yes !!!!!!!Theokids provides you

The best alternatives

Theo home schooling !!!!!

Theo Parent Enrichment Programme .


Theo online courses .

What is home schooling ??

The education of children at home by their parents.

What is parent enrichment programme ?

The parents will be provided with Curricullum  , worksheets , kits , videos and training workshops .

A complete solution for kids to learn remotely so that the child does not lose out on the academic learning .

Helps building good relationships and bond with the kids .

Provides opportunity to make learning exciting through innovative learning ideas and videos .

Training workshops for the parents to be provided

For online courses we train your teachers , make them fully equipped to take live online classes, video support and much more .

We provide best global integrated curricullum , scripts , ppts , brain gym , yoga , life skills at a very nominal cost .

Teasers , brochures , pamphlets for Social media will be provided .

Handouts wil be provided

Kindly contact us to know more .