Forest school curriculum


It is not very often that education curriculums promote their delivery outside the confines of the classrooms. However, Forest Schools represents a refreshing change in that the delivery model focuses on outdoor education as its basic premise. It believes in enabling children to learn personal, technical and social skills while visiting natural spaces. It thus comes across as a very inspirational process that enables both adults and children to look at and experience education through a different prism that is intellectually stimulating as well.

The woodland environment promoted by this type of education is an attempt to foster independence, the thrill of exploration and self esteem in impressionable young minds. The topics are carefully designed to utilize the vastness of the natural environment and to challenge the team building as well as problem solving capabilities in children. They also learn abstract communication and mathematical concepts through this process.

Forest school approach to learning :
The main objective of forest school curriculum uk is to encourage curiosity among children and for them to make use of all their senses. So motor development and spatial skills come to the fore automatically and children undergoing this curriculum have been often described as more relaxed, well aware of social responsibilities and helpful in nature.

Contact us for development of this curriculum for your preschool on the numbers below.
We can assist you with forest school lesson plan school activities and developing your curriculum.

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